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Every text written on Writemypapers.org is included in the anti-plagiarism program. This is a program used by most universities – a list of them is available in the specified domain. The generated report shows five similarity factors. The similarity factor of 1 determines what percentage of the text consists of fragments found in the resources of the World Wide Web, taking into account all the five-word phrases found by the System in other documents. Typically, in anti-plagiarism procedures applied to universities, the similarity ratio cannot exceed 50%. Coefficient 2 indicates only phrases that exceed the 25-word limit. Universities usually assume that in a scientific text it cannot be higher than 5%. The authors of Writemypapers.org note that the similarity factor is intended to diagnose the linguistic independence of the author of the work, so the similarity factor 2 is considered the best tool for identifying borrowed words that are incompatible with the standards. Coefficients of similarity of the scientific text act as auxiliary indicators, thanks to which it is possible to determine what part of the work are legal acts.

Anti-plagiarism report

Knowing that the anti-plagiarism report is very sensitive to any borrowings, the authors of Writemypapers.org try to use as few citations as possible, certainly preferring the method of paraphrasing the opinions of the original authors. Reports related to texts written by writemypapers.org editors show very low similarity thresholds that you can see when working with Writemypapers.org. The report also records proper names, regulations, or titles of publications in footnotes, which, of course, should not be changed.

Making corrections

After reading the provided text, which is a scientific study on this topic, you can submit your comments. You can do this at any time, and authors are required to make corrections within a maximum of 10 days. All comments related to significant, stylistic, or formal errors that may occur due to inattention are made free of charge. It should be noted here that only formal errors are usually reported, as reliance on specialized publications protects against factual errors, and written practice is a guarantee of knowledge of stylistic norms that apply to the requirements of a scientific document. These official corrections are usually because we are not given instructions on the parameters of the fields, the font size of the titles, or a special bibliographic location. Even though clients did not send official standards in advance, the authors always adapt to the comments to minimize the amount of work that must be performed by the collaborator. There are situations in which the client asks to add fragments of text or attach to the prepared new section or chapter, which, in his opinion, is absent, although previously did not agree with him on the implementation of content on a given topic. The customer must pay an additional fee depending on the number of pages to be added. If, on the other hand, we do not raise issues that were outlined in the work plan, sent in the guidelines, or discussed during emails or phone calls, the authors immediately add all the material for free – although such omissions never occurred, the authors should still allow their occurrence.